Russians are already targeting Democrats again, and…Democrats have already been targeted by Russians attempting to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections. Lawmakers say the Trump administration and other Republicans are not taking the issue seriously enough ahead of the elections in November. Republicans voted down an additional $250 million for states to bolster election and cyber security on Wednesday. WASHINGTON — The Russian government's efforts to spread disinformation, interfere, and hack US political campaigns did not end with the 2016. While meddling and other nefarious activity have continued into the 2018 election cycle, including an attempted hacking of a Senate campaign, the Republicans tasked with countering…
Sec. Nielsen on 2016 US election interference:…Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen backed up US intelligence findings on interference in the 2016 US presidential election Tuesday, saying "it was the Russians." Speaking at a cybersecurity conference, Nielsen offered a sharp condemnation of Russian hacking and cybersecurity threats as a chief concern of the department. Nielsen's comments come two weeks after President Donald Trump earned harsh blowback for failing to hold Russia accountable for election interference at a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen backed up US intelligence findings on interference in the 2016 US…
A Democratic congressional candidate in Alabama is…Tabitha Isner, the Democratic candidate for Alabama's 2nd Congressional District, claims Russians attempted to hack her campaign's website in mid-July. Isner said there were over 1,400 attempts to break into to her website and approximately 1,100 could be traced back to Russia. The majority of the hacking attempts occurred on July 17 and 18, according to traffic logs reviewed by Business Insider. Isner feels strongly that candidates aren't being given enough help and guidance in terms of dealing with the evolving technological challenges of running for office, and is calling on Congress to do more in that regard. Tabitha Isner,…
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